
Grids module: contains functions used for epipolar grid creation and correction

Module Contents



Check path, if exists, creates new one

write_grid(grid, fname, origin, spacing)

Write an epipolar rectification grid to file

generate_epipolar_grids(conf, geometry_loader_to_use, dem)

Computes the left and right epipolar grids

compute_epipolar_grid_min_max(geometry_loader_to_use, ...)

Compute ground terrain location of epipolar grids at disp_min and disp_max


Check path, if exists, creates new one


path (str) – path to check

:return : new path :rtype: str

cars.applications.grid_generation.grids.write_grid(grid, fname, origin, spacing)

Write an epipolar rectification grid to file

  • grid (3D numpy array) – the grid to write

  • fname (string) – the filename to which the grid will be written

  • origin ((float, float)) – origin of the grid

  • spacing ((float, float)) – spacing of the grid

cars.applications.grid_generation.grids.generate_epipolar_grids(conf, geometry_loader_to_use, dem: Union[None, str], default_alt: Union[None, float] = None, epipolar_step: int = 30, geoid: Union[str, None] = None)

Computes the left and right epipolar grids

  • conf – input configuration dictionary

  • geometry_loader_to_use (str) – geometry loader to use

  • dem – path to the dem folder

  • default_alt – default altitude to use in the missing dem regions

  • epipolar_step – step to use to construct the epipolar grids

  • geoid – path to the geoid file


Tuple composed of :

  • the left epipolar grid as a numpy array

  • the right epipolar grid as a numpy array

  • the left grid origin as a list of float

  • the left grid spacing as a list of float

  • the epipolar image size as a list of int (x-axis size is given with the index 0, y-axis size with index 1)

  • the disparity to altitude ratio as a float

cars.applications.grid_generation.grids.compute_epipolar_grid_min_max(geometry_loader_to_use, grid, epsg, conf, disp_min=None, disp_max=None)

Compute ground terrain location of epipolar grids at disp_min and disp_max

  • geometry_loader_to_use (str) – geometry loader to use

  • grid (np.ndarray of shape (N,M,2)) – The epipolar grid to project

  • epsg (Int) – EPSG code of the terrain projection

  • conf (Dict) – Configuration dictionary from prepare step

  • disp_min (Float or None) – Minimum disparity (if None, read from configuration dictionary)

  • disp_max (Float or None) – Maximum disparity (if None, read from configuration dictionary)


a tuple of location grid at disp_min and disp_max

Return type

Tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray) same shape as grid param