Source code for cars.applications.triangulation.triangulation_tools

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
# Copyright (c) 2020 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES).
# This file is part of CARS
# (see
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Preprocessing module:
contains functions used for triangulation

# Third party imports
import logging
import os

# Standard imports
from typing import Dict

import numpy as np
import pandas
import xarray as xr
from scipy import interpolate
from shareloc.image import Image
from shareloc.proj_utils import transform_physical_point_to_index

from cars.core import constants as cst
from cars.core import constants_disparity as cst_disp
from cars.orchestrator.cluster.log_wrapper import cars_profile

[docs]def triangulate( geometry_plugin, sensor1, sensor2, geomodel1, geomodel2, grid1, grid2, disp_ref: xr.Dataset, disp_key: str = cst_disp.MAP, ) -> Dict[str, xr.Dataset]: """ This function will perform triangulation from a disparity map :param geometry_plugin: geometry plugin to use :type geometry_plugin: AbstractGeometry :param sensor1: path to left sensor image :type sensor1: str :param sensor2: path to right sensor image :type sensor2: str :param geomodel1: path and attributes for left geomodel :type geomodel1: dict :param geomodel2: path and attributes for right geomodel :type geomodel2: dict :param grid1: dataset of the reference image grid file :type grid1: CarsDataset :param grid2: dataset of the secondary image grid file :type grid2: CarsDataset :param disp_ref: left to right disparity map dataset :param im_ref_msk_ds: reference image dataset (image and mask (if indicated by the user) in epipolar geometry) :param disp_key: disparity key in the dataset\ usually set to cst_disp.MAP, but can be a disparity interval bound :returns: point_cloud as a dictionary of dataset containing: - Array with shape (roi_size_x,roi_size_y,3), with last dimension \ corresponding to longitude, latitude and elevation - Array with shape (roi_size_x,roi_size_y) with output mask - Array for color (optional): only if color1 is not None The dictionary keys are : - 'ref' to retrieve the dataset built from the left to \ right disparity map - 'sec' to retrieve the dataset built from the right to \ left disparity map (if provided in input) """ if disp_key != cst_disp.MAP: # Switching the variable names so the desired disparity is named 'disp' # It does not modifies the dataset outside of this function disp_ref = disp_ref.rename_vars( {disp_key: cst_disp.MAP, cst_disp.MAP: disp_key} ) point_clouds = {} point_clouds[cst.STEREO_REF] = compute_point_cloud( geometry_plugin, sensor1, sensor2, geomodel1, geomodel2, grid1, grid2, disp_ref, roi_key=cst.ROI, ) return point_clouds
@cars_profile(name="Matches triangulation") def triangulate_matches( geometry_plugin, sensor1, sensor2, geomodel1, geomodel2, grid1, grid2, matches, ): """ This function will perform triangulation from sift matches :param geometry_plugin: geometry plugin to use :type geometry_plugin: AbstractGeometry :param sensor1: path to left sensor image :type sensor1: str :param sensor2: path to right sensor image :type sensor2: str :param geomodel1: path and attributes for left geomodel :type geomodel1: dict :param geomodel2: path and attributes for right geomodel :type geomodel2: dict :param grid1: dataset of the reference image grid file :type grid1: CarsDataset :param grid2: dataset of the secondary image grid file :type grid2: CarsDataset :param matches: numpy.array of matches of shape (nb_matches, 4) :type data: numpy.ndarray :returns: point_cloud as a panda DataFrame containing: - Array with shape (nb_matches,1,3), with last dimension \ corresponding to longitude, latitude and elevation - Array with shape (nb_matches,1) with output mask - cst.X - cst.Y - cst.Z - corr_mask - lon - lat :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ llh = geometry_plugin.triangulate( sensor1, sensor2, geomodel1, geomodel2, cst.MATCHES_MODE, matches, grid1, grid2, ) disparity = np.array([matches[:, 2] - matches[:, 0]]) disparity = np.transpose(disparity) msk = np.full(llh.shape[0:2], 255, dtype=np.uint8) point_cloud_index = [ cst.X, cst.Y, cst.Z, cst.DISPARITY, cst.POINT_CLOUD_CORR_MSK, ] point_cloud_array = np.zeros( (np.ravel(llh[:, :, 0]).size, len(point_cloud_index)), dtype=np.float64 ) point_cloud_array[:, 0] = np.ravel(llh[:, :, 0]) point_cloud_array[:, 1] = np.ravel(llh[:, :, 1]) point_cloud_array[:, 2] = np.ravel(llh[:, :, 2]) point_cloud_array[:, 3] = np.ravel(disparity) point_cloud_array[:, 4] = np.ravel(msk) point_cloud = pandas.DataFrame(point_cloud_array, columns=point_cloud_index) point_cloud.attrs[cst.EPSG] = int(cst.EPSG_WSG84) return point_cloud
[docs]def compute_point_cloud( geometry_plugin, sensor1, sensor2, geomodel1, geomodel2, grid1, grid2, data: xr.Dataset, roi_key: str, ) -> xr.Dataset: # TODO detail a bit more what this method do """ Compute point cloud :param geometry_plugin: geometry plugin to use :param sensor1: path to left sensor image :param sensor2: path to right sensor image :param geomodel1: path and attributes for left geomodel :param geomodel2: path and attributes for right geomodel :param grid1: dataset of the reference image grid file :param grid2: dataset of the secondary image grid file :param data: The reference to disparity map dataset :param roi_key: roi of the disparity map key ('roi' if cropped while calling create_disp_dataset, otherwise 'roi_with_margins') :return: the point cloud dataset """ # Extract input paths from configuration llh = geometry_plugin.triangulate( sensor1, sensor2, geomodel1, geomodel2, cst.DISP_MODE, data, grid1, grid2, roi_key, ) row = np.array(range(data.attrs[roi_key][1], data.attrs[roi_key][3])) col = np.array(range(data.attrs[roi_key][0], data.attrs[roi_key][2])) # apply no_data to X,Y and Z point cloud nodata_index = np.where(data[cst_disp.VALID].values == 0) llh[:, :, 0][nodata_index] = np.nan llh[:, :, 1][nodata_index] = np.nan llh[:, :, 2][nodata_index] = np.nan values = { cst.X: ([cst.ROW, cst.COL], llh[:, :, 0]), # longitudes cst.Y: ([cst.ROW, cst.COL], llh[:, :, 1]), # latitudes cst.Z: ([cst.ROW, cst.COL], llh[:, :, 2]), cst.POINT_CLOUD_CORR_MSK: ( [cst.ROW, cst.COL], data[cst_disp.VALID].values, ), } # Copy all 2D attributes from disparity dataset to point cloud # except color and pandora validity mask (already copied in corr_msk) for key, val in data.items(): if len(val.values.shape) == 2: if key not in (cst.EPI_COLOR, cst_disp.VALID): values[key] = ([cst.ROW, cst.COL], val.values) point_cloud = xr.Dataset(values, coords={cst.ROW: row, cst.COL: col}) # add color and data type of image color_type = None if cst.EPI_COLOR in data: add_layer(data, cst.EPI_COLOR, cst.BAND_IM, point_cloud) color_type = data[cst.EPI_COLOR].attrs["color_type"] elif cst.EPI_IMAGE in data: color_type = data[cst.EPI_IMAGE].attrs["color_type"] if color_type: point_cloud.attrs["color_type"] = color_type # add classif if cst.EPI_CLASSIFICATION in data: add_layer( data, cst.EPI_CLASSIFICATION, cst.BAND_CLASSIF, point_cloud, ) # add filling in data: if cst.EPI_FILLING in data: add_layer( data, cst.EPI_FILLING, cst.BAND_FILLING, point_cloud, ) point_cloud.attrs[cst.ROI] = data.attrs[cst.ROI] if roi_key == cst.ROI_WITH_MARGINS: point_cloud.attrs[cst.ROI_WITH_MARGINS] = data.attrs[ cst.ROI_WITH_MARGINS ] point_cloud.attrs[cst.EPI_FULL_SIZE] = data.attrs[cst.EPI_FULL_SIZE] point_cloud.attrs[cst.EPSG] = int(4326) return point_cloud
[docs]def add_layer(dataset, layer_name, layer_coords, point_cloud): """ Add layer point cloud to point cloud dataset :param dataset: input disparity map dataset :param layer_name: layer key in disparity dataset :param layer_coords: layer axis name in disparity dataset :param point_cloud: output point cloud dataset """ layers = dataset[layer_name].values band_layer = dataset.coords[layer_coords] if layer_coords not in point_cloud.dims: point_cloud.coords[layer_coords] = band_layer point_cloud[layer_name] = xr.DataArray( layers, dims=[layer_coords, cst.ROW, cst.COL], )
[docs]def interpolate_geoid_height( geoid_filename, positions, interpolation_method="linear" ): """ terrain to index conversion retrieve geoid height above ellispoid This is a modified version of the Shareloc interpolate_geoid_height function that supports Nan positions (return Nan) :param geoid_filename: geoid_filename :type geoid_filename: str :param positions: geodetic coordinates :type positions: 2D numpy array: (number of points,[long coord, lat coord]) :param interpolation_method: default is 'linear' (interpn parameter) :type interpolation_method: str :return: geoid height :rtype: 1 numpy array (number of points) """ geoid_image = Image(geoid_filename, read_data=True) # Check longitude overlap is not present, rounding to handle egm2008 with # rounded pixel size if geoid_image.nb_columns * geoid_image.pixel_size_col - 360 < 10**-8: logging.debug("add one pixel overlap on longitudes") geoid_image.nb_columns += 1 # Check if we can add a column = np.column_stack( ([:, :],[:, 0]) ) # Prepare grid for interpolation row_indexes = np.arange(0, geoid_image.nb_rows, 1) col_indexes = np.arange(0, geoid_image.nb_columns, 1) points = (row_indexes, col_indexes) # add modulo lon/lat min_lon = geoid_image.origin_col + geoid_image.pixel_size_col / 2 max_lon = ( geoid_image.origin_col + geoid_image.nb_columns * geoid_image.pixel_size_col - geoid_image.pixel_size_col / 2 ) positions[:, 0] += ((positions[:, 0] + min_lon) < 0) * 360.0 positions[:, 0] -= ((positions[:, 0] - max_lon) > 0) * 360.0 if np.any(np.abs(positions[:, 1]) > 90.0): raise RuntimeError("Geoid cannot handle latitudes greater than 90 deg.") indexes_geoid = transform_physical_point_to_index( geoid_image.trans_inv, positions[:, 1], positions[:, 0] ) return interpolate.interpn( points,[:, :], indexes_geoid, bounds_error=False, method=interpolation_method, )
[docs]def geoid_offset(points, geoid_path): """ Compute the point cloud height offset from geoid. :param points: point cloud data in lat/lon/alt WGS84 (EPSG 4326) coordinates. :type points: xarray.Dataset or pandas.DataFrame :param geoid_path: path to input geoid file on disk :type geoid_path: string :return: the same point cloud but using geoid as altimetric reference. :rtype: xarray.Dataset or pandas.DataFrame """ # deep copy the given point cloud that will be used as output out_pc = points.copy(deep=True) # interpolate data if isinstance(out_pc, xr.Dataset): # Convert the dataset to a np array as expected by Shareloc pc_array = ( out_pc[[cst.X, cst.Y]] .to_array() .to_numpy() .transpose((1, 2, 0)) .reshape((out_pc.sizes["row"] * out_pc.sizes["col"], 2)) ) geoid_height_array = interpolate_geoid_height( geoid_path, pc_array ).reshape((out_pc.sizes["row"], out_pc.sizes["col"])) elif isinstance(out_pc, pandas.DataFrame): geoid_height_array = interpolate_geoid_height( geoid_path, out_pc[[cst.X, cst.Y]].to_numpy() ) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid point cloud type") # offset using geoid height out_pc[cst.Z] -= geoid_height_array return out_pc
[docs]def generate_point_cloud_file_names( csv_dir: str, laz_dir: str, row: int, col: int, index: dict = None, pair_key: str = "PAIR_0", ): """ generate the point cloud CSV and LAZ filenames of a given tile from its corresponding row and col. Optionally update the index, if provided. :param csv_dir: target directory for csv files, If None no csv filenames will be generated :type csv_dir: str :param laz_dir: target directory for laz files, If None no laz filenames will be generated :type laz_dir: str :param row: row index of the tile :type row: int :param col: col index of the tile :type col: int :param index: product index to update with the filename :type index: dict :param pair_key: current product key (used in index), if a list is given a filename will be added to the index for each element of the list :type pair_key: str """ file_name_root = str(col) + "_" + str(row) csv_pc_file_name = None if csv_dir is not None: csv_pc_file_name = os.path.join(csv_dir, file_name_root + ".csv") laz_pc_file_name = None if laz_dir is not None: laz_name = file_name_root + ".laz" laz_pc_file_name = os.path.join(laz_dir, laz_name) # add to index if the laz is saved to output product if index is not None: # index initialization, if it has not been done yet if "point_cloud" not in index: index["point_cloud"] = {} # case where merging=True and save_by_pair=False if pair_key is None: index["point_cloud"][file_name_root] = laz_name else: if isinstance(pair_key, str): pair_key = [pair_key] for elem in pair_key: if elem not in index["point_cloud"]: index["point_cloud"][elem] = {} index["point_cloud"][elem][file_name_root] = os.path.join( elem, laz_name ) return csv_pc_file_name, laz_pc_file_name