This module is responsible for the filling disparity algorithms: thus it fills the disparity map with values estimated according to their neighbourhood.
Module Contents
Finds central area of invalid region and estimates disparity values |
Add surounding nodata to invalidity region |
Define number of pixel for later erosion operation |
Displays shape of plane/quadratic function used in region to fill. |
Estimates disparity values in disparity map which contains invalid |
Raster interpolation command |
Raster interpolation (scipy, rasterio or pandora) |
Interpolation of the left disparity map to fill holes. |
Find valid neighbors along directions |
Estimate new polygone using disparity range |
Get list of holes situated in tile |
Get list of tiles intersecting with holes |
Get the holes envelops computed in holes detection application |
Merge polygons that intersects each other |
Fill disparity map holes |
Fill disparity map holes |
Add filling attribute to dataset or band to filling attribute |
Update filling attribute of dataset with an additional mask |
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.fill_central_area_using_plane(disp_map: xarray.Dataset, corresponding_poly, row_min, col_min, ignore_nodata: bool, ignore_zero_fill: bool, ignore_extrema: bool, nb_pix: int, percent_to_erode: float, class_index: list)[source]
Finds central area of invalid region and estimates disparity values in this area according to a plan model estimation. The estimation of this model is done using disparity values at invalid region borders.
- Parameters
disp_map (2D np.array (row, col)) – disparity map with several layers (‘disp’, ‘disp_msk’, ‘msk_invalid_sec’)
corresponding_poly (list(Polygon)) – list of holes polygons
row_min (int) – row offset of combined tile
col_min (int) – col offset of combined tile
ignore_nodata (bool) – option to activate to ignore nodata values at disp mask borders
ignore_zero_fill (bool) – option to activate to ignore zero values at disp mask borders
ignore_extrema (bool) – option to activate to ignore extrema values at disp mask borders
nb_pix (int) – pixel number used to define disparity values band at invalid region borders that will be considered for disp estimation
percent_to_erode (float) – percentage to define size of central area
class_index (list(str)) – list of tag to use
- Returns
mask of invalid region that hasn’t been filled yet (original invalid region - central area)
- Return type
2D np.array (row, col)
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.add_surrounding_nodata_to_roi(roi_mask, disp, disp_mask)[source]
Add surounding nodata to invalidity region
- Parameters
roi_mask (2D np.array (row, col)) – invalidity mask (values to fill)
disp (2D np.array (row, col)) – disparity values
disp_mask (2D np.array (row, col)) – disparity values mask
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.define_interpolation_band_width(binary_image, percentage)[source]
Define number of pixel for later erosion operation
- Parameters
binary_image (2D np.array (row, col)) – invalidity mask (values to fill)
percentage (dict) – percentage of border compared to center region
- Returns
pixel number to erode
- Return type
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.plot_function(data, fit)[source]
Displays shape of plane/quadratic function used in region to fill.
- Parameters
data (3D np.array (row, col)) – coords and value of valid disparity values
fit (ndarray) – Least-squares solution.
- Returns
plot of function used in region to fill
- Return type
matplotlib plot
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.calculate_disp_plane(values, mask, central_area, display=False)[source]
Estimates disparity values in disparity map which contains invalid area using valid data and a plane model.
- Parameters
values (3D np.array (row, col)) – valid disparity values
mask (3D np.array (row, col)) – validity mask
central_area (3D np.array (row, col)) – mask of disparity values to fill
display (boolean) – plot interpolation fct in region to fill
- Returns
central interpolated disparity values
- Return type
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.fill_area_borders_using_interpolation(disp_map, masks_to_fill, options)[source]
Raster interpolation command :param disp_map: disparity values :type disp_map: 2D np.array (row, col) :param masks_to_fill: masks to locate disp values to fill :type masks_to_fill: list(2D np.array (row, col)) :param options: parameters for interpolation methods :type options: dict
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.make_raster_interpolation(raster: numpy.ndarray, mask: numpy.ndarray, options: dict)[source]
Raster interpolation (scipy, rasterio or pandora) :param raster: disparity values :type raster: 2D np.array (row, col) :param mask: invalidity mask (values to fill) :type mask: 2D np.array (row, col) :param options: parameters for interpolation methods :type options: dict :return: interpolated raster :rtype: 2D np.array
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.fill_disp_pandora(disp: numpy.ndarray, msk_fill_disp: numpy.ndarray, nb_directions: int)[source]
Interpolation of the left disparity map to fill holes. Interpolate invalid pixel by finding the nearest correct pixels in 8/16 different directions and use the median of their disparities. ?bontar, J., & LeCun, Y. (2016). Stereo matching by training a convolutional neural network to compare image patches. The journal of machine learning research, 17(1), 2287-2318. HIRSCHMULLER, Heiko. Stereo processing by semiglobal matching and mutual information. IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 2007, vol. 30, no 2, p. 328-341.
Copied/adapted fct from pandora/validation/
- Parameters
disp (2D np.array (row, col)) – disparity map
msk_fill_disp (2D np.array (row, col)) – validity mask
nb_directions (integer) – nb directions to explore
- Returns
the interpolate left disparity map, with the validity mask update :
- Return type
tuple(2D np.array (row, col), 2D np.array (row, col))
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.find_valid_neighbors(dirs: numpy.ndarray, disp: numpy.ndarray, valid: numpy.ndarray, row: int, col: int, nb_directions: int)[source]
Find valid neighbors along directions
Copied/adapted fct from pandora/validation/
- Parameters
dirs (2D np.array (row, col)) – directions
disp (2D np.array (row, col)) – disparity map
valid (2D np.array (row, col)) – validity mask
row (int) – row current value
col (int) – col current value
nb_directions (int) – nb directions to explore
- Returns
valid neighbors
- Return type
2D np.array
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.estimate_poly_with_disp(poly, dmin=0, dmax=0)[source]
Estimate new polygone using disparity range
- Parameters
poly (Polygon) – polygone to estimate
dmin (int) – minimum disparity
dmax (int) – maximum disparity
- Returns
polygon in disparity range
- Return type
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.get_corresponding_holes(tile_poly, holes_poly_list)[source]
Get list of holes situated in tile
- Parameters
tile_poly (Polygon) – envelop of tile
holes_poly_list (list(Polygon)) – envelop of holes
- Returns
list of holes envelops
- Return type
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.get_corresponding_tiles(tiles_polygones, corresponding_holes, epi_disp_map)[source]
Get list of tiles intersecting with holes
- Parameters
tiles_polygones (list(Polygon)) – envelop of tiles
corresponding_holes (list(Polygon)) – envelop of holes
epi_disp_map (CarsDataset) – disparity map cars dataset
- Returns
list of tiles to use (window, overlap, xr.Dataset)
- Return type
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.get_polygons_from_cars_ds(cars_ds)[source]
Get the holes envelops computed in holes detection application cars_ds must contain dicts, and not delayed. This function must be called after an orchestrator.breakpoint()
- Parameters
cars_ds (CarsDataset) – holes cars dataset
- Returns
list of holes
- Return type
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.merge_intersecting_polygones(list_poly)[source]
Merge polygons that intersects each other
- Parameters
list_poly (list(Polygon)) – list of holes
- Returns
list of holes
- Return type
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.fill_disp_using_plane(disp_map: xarray.Dataset, corresponding_poly, row_min, col_min, ignore_nodata: bool, ignore_zero_fill: bool, ignore_extrema: bool, nb_pix: int, percent_to_erode: float, interp_options: dict, classification) xarray.Dataset [source]
Fill disparity map holes
- Parameters
disp_map (xr.Dataset) – disparity map
corresponding_poly (list(Polygon)) – list of holes polygons
row_min (int) – row offset of combined tile
col_min (int) – col offset of combined tile
ignore_nodata (bool) – ingore nodata
ignore_zero_fill (bool) – ingnore zero fill
ignore_extrema (bool) – ignore extrema
nb_pix (int) – margin to use
percent_to_erode (float) – percent to erode
interp_options (dict) – interp_options
classification (list(str)) – list of tag to use
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.fill_disp_using_zero_padding(disp_map: xarray.Dataset, class_index) xarray.Dataset [source]
Fill disparity map holes
- Parameters
disp_map (xr.Dataset) – disparity map
class_index (int) – class index according to the classification tag
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.add_empty_filling_band(output_dataset: xarray.Dataset, filling_types: list)[source]
Add filling attribute to dataset or band to filling attribute if it already exists
- Parameters
output_dataset – output dataset
filling – input mask of filled pixels
band_filling – type of filling (zero padding or plane)
- cars.applications.dense_match_filling.fill_disp_tools.update_filling(output_dataset: xarray.Dataset, filling: numpy.ndarray = None, filling_type: str = None)[source]
Update filling attribute of dataset with an additional mask
- Parameters
output_dataset – output dataset
filling – input mask of filled pixels
band_filling – type of filling (zero padding or plane)