Grids module: contains functions used for epipolar grid correction
Module Contents
Correct grid from correction given in 1d |
Correct grid |
Estimates grid correction, and correct matches |
Create CarsDataset representing matches, from numpy matches. |
- cars.applications.grid_generation.grid_correction.correct_grid_from_1d(grid, grid_correction_coef, save_grid=False, pair_folder=None)[source]
Correct grid from correction given in 1d
- Parameters
grid (CarsDataset) – grid to correct
grid_correction_coef (list(float), size 6) – grid correction to apply
save_grid (bool) – if True grids are saved in root or pair_folder
pair_folder (str) – directory where grids are saved
- cars.applications.grid_generation.grid_correction.correct_grid(grid, grid_correction, save_grid=None, pair_folder=None)[source]
Correct grid
- Parameters
grid (CarsDataset) – grid to correct
grid_correction (Tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray) (coefsx_2d, coefsy_2d) , each of size (2,2)) – grid correction to apply
save_grid (bool) – if True grids are saved in root or pair_folder
pair_folder (str) – directory where grids are saved
- cars.applications.grid_generation.grid_correction.estimate_right_grid_correction(matches, grid_right, initial_cars_ds=None, save_matches=False, pair_folder='', pair_key='pair_0', orchestrator=None)
Estimates grid correction, and correct matches
- Parameters
matches (np.ndarray) – matches
grid_right (CarsDataset) – grid to correct
save_matches (bool) – true is matches needs to be saved
pair_folder (str) – folder used for current pair
- Returns
grid_correction to apply, corrected_matches, info before, info after
- Return type
Tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray) , np.ndarray, dict, dict grid_correction is : (coefsx_2d, coefsy_2d) , each of size (2,2)
- cars.applications.grid_generation.grid_correction.create_matches_cars_ds(corrected_matches, initial_cars_ds)[source]
Create CarsDataset representing matches, from numpy matches. Matches are split into tiles, stored in pandas DataFrames
Right CarsDataset is filled with Nones
- Parameters
corrected_matches (numpy array) – matches
initial_cars_ds (CarsDataset) – cars dataset to use tiling from
:return new_matches_cars_ds :rtype: CarsDataset