
Contains function to convert the point cloud dataframe to laz format:

Module Contents


convert_pcl_to_laz(point_clouds, output_filename)

Convert 3d point cloud to laz format


Retrieve color index from point cloud

extract_point_cloud(point_clouds, coordinates, ...)

Extract point cloud positions (x,y,z) and color layers

generate_prj_file(output_filename, epsg)

Generate prj file associated to the laz file if projection is UTM or WGS84

generate_laz(output_filename, coordinates, las_color, ...)

Generate laz file from location and color arrays

cars.data_structures.dataframe_converter.convert_pcl_to_laz(point_clouds, output_filename: str)[source]

Convert 3d point cloud to laz format :param point_clouds: point_clouds dataframe :param output_filename: output laz filename (with naming convention) :return: the list of point cloud save in las format


Retrieve color index from point cloud :param point_clouds: point clouds data :return: input color list

cars.data_structures.dataframe_converter.extract_point_cloud(point_clouds, coordinates, input_color, color_type)[source]

Extract point cloud positions (x,y,z) and color layers :param point_clouds: point cloud dataframe :param coordinate: target coordinates key index :param input_color: color key index according to input :param color_type: type of color data :param nb :return: point cloud array location and color

cars.data_structures.dataframe_converter.generate_prj_file(output_filename, epsg)[source]

Generate prj file associated to the laz file if projection is UTM or WGS84 :param output_filename: name of laz file :param epsg: code of output epsg

cars.data_structures.dataframe_converter.generate_laz(output_filename, coordinates, las_color, arrays_pcl, arrays_color)[source]

Generate laz file from location and color arrays