Source code for cars.starter

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
# Copyright (c) 2020 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES).
# This file is part of CARS
# (see
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
cars-starter: helper to create configuration file

# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
# standard imports
import argparse
import json
import os

[docs]def inputfilename_to_sensor(inputfilename): """ Fill sensor dictionary according to an input filename """ sensor = {} absfilename = os.path.abspath(inputfilename) dirname = os.path.dirname(absfilename) basename = os.path.basename(absfilename) if basename.startswith("DIM") and basename.endswith("XML"): geomodel = os.path.join(dirname, "RPC" + basename[3:]) if os.path.exists(geomodel) is False: raise FileNotFoundError(geomodel + " does not exist") elif basename.endswith(".tif"): geomodel = os.path.splitext(absfilename)[0] + ".geom" if os.path.exists(geomodel) is False: raise FileNotFoundError(geomodel + " does not exist") else: raise ValueError(absfilename + " not supported") sensor["image"] = absfilename sensor["geomodel"] = geomodel return sensor
[docs]def pairdirname_to_pc(pairdirname): """ Fill sensor dictionary according to an pair directory """ sensor = {} abspairdirname = os.path.abspath(pairdirname) for coord in ["X", "Y", "Z"]: bandname = os.path.join(abspairdirname, "epi_pc_" + coord + ".tif") if os.path.isfile(bandname) is False: raise FileNotFoundError(bandname + " does not exist") sensor[coord.lower()] = bandname for extra in ["color"]: bandname = os.path.join(abspairdirname, "epi_pc_" + extra + ".tif") if os.path.isfile(bandname): sensor[extra] = bandname return sensor
[docs]def main(): """ Main cars-starter entrypoint """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( "cars-starter", description="Helper to create configuration file" ) parser.add_argument( "-il", type=str, nargs="*", metavar="input.{tif,XML} or pair_dir", help="Inputs list or Pairs directory list", required=True, ) parser.add_argument( "-out", type=str, metavar="out_dir", help="Output directory", required=True, ) parser.add_argument( "--full", action="store_true", help="Fill all default values" ) parser.add_argument("--check", action="store_true", help="Check inputs") args = parser.parse_args() # check first input in list to determine pipeline if os.path.isfile([0]): config = {"inputs": {"sensors": {}}, "output": {}} pipeline_name = "sensors_to_dense_dsm" for idx, inputfilename in enumerate( config["inputs"]["sensors"][str(idx)] = inputfilename_to_sensor( inputfilename ) # pairing with first image as reference pairing = list( zip( # noqa: B905 ["0"] * (len( - 1), map(str, range(1, len( ) ) config["inputs"]["pairing"] = pairing else: config = {"inputs": {"point_clouds": {}}, "output": {}} pipeline_name = "dense_point_clouds_to_dense_dsm" for idx, pairdirname in enumerate( config["inputs"]["point_clouds"][str(idx)] = pairdirname_to_pc( pairdirname ) config["output"]["out_dir"] = args.out if args.check or args.full: # cars imports from cars.pipelines.pipeline import Pipeline used_pipeline = Pipeline(pipeline_name, config, None) if args.full: config = used_pipeline.used_conf print(json.dumps(config, indent=4))
if __name__ == "__main__": main()