Preprocessing contains function used in pipelines
Module Contents
Returns the EPSG code of the UTM zone where the lat, lon point falls in |
Compute terrain bounding box of current pair |
Compute roi polygon from input roi |
Compute epsg to use |
Crop current terrain bounds with roi |
Compute Terrain bounds of merged pairs |
Conmpute conversion factor |
Convert optimal_tile_size according to epsg. |
Compute epipolar roi to use |
- cars.core.preprocessing.PREPROCESSING_TAG = 'pair_preprocessing'
- cars.core.preprocessing.LEFT_ENVELOPE_TAG = 'left_envelope'
- cars.core.preprocessing.RIGHT_ENVELOPE_TAG = 'right_envelope'
- cars.core.preprocessing.ENVELOPES_INTERSECTION_TAG = 'envelopes_intersection'
- cars.core.preprocessing.ENVELOPES_INTERSECTION_BB_TAG = 'envelopes_intersection_bounding_box'
- cars.core.preprocessing.get_utm_zone_as_epsg_code(lon, lat)[source]
Returns the EPSG code of the UTM zone where the lat, lon point falls in
- Parameters
lon (float) – longitude of the point
lat (float) – latitude of the point
- Returns
The EPSG code corresponding to the UTM zone
- Return type
- cars.core.preprocessing.compute_terrain_bbox(sensor_image_left, sensor_image_right, epipolar_image_left, grid_left, grid_right, epsg, geometry_plugin, disp_min=-10, disp_max=10, resolution=0.5, roi_poly=None, pair_key='PAIR_0', pair_folder=None, orchestrator=None, check_inputs=False)[source]
Compute terrain bounding box of current pair
- Parameters
srtm_dir (str) – srtm directory
default_alt (int) – default altitude
geoid (str) – geoid path
sensor_image_left (dict) – left image Dict Must contain keys : “image”, “color”, “geomodel”, “no_data”, “mask”. Paths must be absolutes
sensor_image_right (dict) – right image Dict Must contain keys : “image”, “color”, “geomodel”, “no_data”, “mask”. Paths must be absolutes
grid_left (CarsDataset) –
left grid. Grid CarsDataset contains :
A single tile stored in [0,0], containing a (N, M, 2) shape array in xarray Dataset
Attributes containing: “grid_spacing”, “grid_origin”, “epipolar_size_x”, “epipolar_size_y”, “epipolar_origin_x”, “epipolar_origin_y”, “epipolar_spacing_x”, “epipolar_spacing”, “disp_to_alt_ratio”,
grid_right (CarsDataset) –
right grid. Grid CarsDataset contains :
A single tile stored in [0,0], containing a (N, M, 2) shape array in xarray Dataset
Attributes containing: “grid_spacing”, “grid_origin”, “epipolar_size_x”, “epipolar_size_y”, “epipolar_origin_x”, “epipolar_origin_y”, “epipolar_spacing_x”, “epipolar_spacing”, “disp_to_alt_ratio”,
epsg (str) – epsg to use
geometry_plugin (AbstractGeometry) – geometry plugin to use
disp_min (int) – minimum disparity
disp_max (int) – maximum disparity
resolution (float) – resolution
roi_poly (Polygon) – roi polygon
pair_key (str) – pair key id
pair_folder (str) – pair folder to save data to
orchestrator (Orchestrator) – orchestrator
check_inputs (bool) – true if user wants to check inputs
- Returns
former post prepare configuration
- Return type
- cars.core.preprocessing.compute_roi_poly(input_roi_poly, input_roi_epsg, epsg)[source]
Compute roi polygon from input roi
- Parameters
input_roi_poly (shapely Polygon) – roi polygon
input_roi_epsg (str) – epsg of roi
epsg (str) – epsg to use
- Returns
polygon of roi with right epsg
- Return type
- cars.core.preprocessing.compute_epsg(sensor_image_left, sensor_image_right, grid_left, grid_right, geometry_plugin, disp_min=-10, disp_max=10)[source]
Compute epsg to use
- Parameters
sensor_image_left (dict) – left image Dict Must contain keys : “image”, “color”, “geomodel”, “no_data”, “mask”. Paths must be absolutes
sensor_image_right (dict) – right image Dict Must contain keys : “image”, “color”, “geomodel”, “no_data”, “mask”. Paths must be absolutes
grid_left (CarsDataset) –
left grid. Grid CarsDataset contains :
A single tile stored in [0,0], containing a (N, M, 2) shape array in xarray Dataset
Attributes containing: “grid_spacing”, “grid_origin”, “epipolar_size_x”, “epipolar_size_y”, “epipolar_origin_x”, “epipolar_origin_y”, “epipolar_spacing_x”, “epipolar_spacing”, “disp_to_alt_ratio”,
grid_right (CarsDataset) –
right grid. Grid CarsDataset contains :
A single tile stored in [0,0], containing a (N, M, 2) shape array in xarray Dataset
Attributes containing: “grid_spacing”, “grid_origin”, “epipolar_size_x”, “epipolar_size_y”, “epipolar_origin_x”, “epipolar_origin_y”, “epipolar_spacing_x”, “epipolar_spacing”, “disp_to_alt_ratio”,
geometry_plugin (AbstractGeometry) – geometry plugin to use
srtm_dir (str) – srtm directory
default_alt (int) – default altitude
disp_min (int) – minimum disparity
disp_max (int) – maximum disparity
- Returns
- Return type
- cars.core.preprocessing.crop_terrain_bounds_with_roi(roi_poly, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)[source]
Crop current terrain bounds with roi
- Parameters
roi_poly (Shapely Polygon) – Polygon of ROI
xmin (float) – xmin
ymin (float) – ymin
xmax (float) – xmax
ymax (float) – ymax
- Returns
new xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
- Return type
(float, float, float, float)
- cars.core.preprocessing.compute_terrain_bounds(list_of_terrain_roi, roi_poly=None, resolution=0.5)[source]
Compute Terrain bounds of merged pairs
- Parameters
list_of_terrain_roi (list) – list of terrain roi list of (terrain bbox, terrain epi_tile_size)
roi_poly (Polygon) – terrain roi of given roi
resolution (float) – list of terrain roi
- Returns
bounds, optimal_terrain_tile_width_average
- cars.core.preprocessing.get_conversion_factor(bounds, epsg, epsg_cloud)[source]
Conmpute conversion factor
- Parameters
bounds (list) – terrain bounds
epsg (int) – epsg of bounds
epsg_cloud (int) – epsg of the input cloud
- Returns
conversion factor
- Return type
- cars.core.preprocessing.convert_optimal_tile_size_with_epsg(bounds, optimal_terrain_tile_width, epsg, epsg_cloud)[source]
Convert optimal_tile_size according to epsg. Only if epsg_cloud is different of the output epsg.
- Parameters
bounds (list) – terrain bounds
optimal_terrain_tile_width (float) – initial optimal_terrain_tile_width
epsg (int) – target epsg
epsg_cloud (int) – epsg of the input cloud
- Returns
converted optimal tile size
- Return type
- cars.core.preprocessing.compute_epipolar_roi(terrain_roi_poly, terrain_roi_epsg, geometry_plugin, sensor_image_left, sensor_image_right, grid_left, grid_right, output_path, disp_min=0, disp_max=0)[source]
Compute epipolar roi to use
- Parameters
terrain_roi_poly – terrain roi polygon
terrain_roi_epsg – terrain roi epsg
geometry_plugin – geometry plugin to use
epsg – epsg
disp_min – minimum disparity
disp_max – maximum disparity
- Returns
epipolar region to use, with tile_size a sample