Outputs module: contains some CARS global shared general purpose output functions
Module Contents
Write cloud to a ply file |
Write list of polygons in a single vector file |
Write a raster file from array |
- cars.core.outputs.write_ply(path_ply_file: str, cloud: Union[xarray.Dataset, pandas.DataFrame])
Write cloud to a ply file
- Parameters
path – path to the ply file to write
cloud – cloud to write, it can be a xr.Dataset as the ones given in output of the triangulation or a pandas.DataFrame as used in the rasterization
- cars.core.outputs.write_vector(polys, path_to_file, epsg, driver='GPKG')
Write list of polygons in a single vector file
- Parameters
polys – list of polygons to write in the file
path_to_file – file to create
epsg – EPSG code of the polygons
driver – vector file type (default format is geopackage)
- cars.core.outputs.rasterio_write_georaster(raster_file: str, data: numpy.ndarray, profile: dict = None, window: = None, descriptor=None, bands_description=None)
Write a raster file from array
- Parameters
raster_file – Image file
data – image data
profile – rasterio profile